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Level 6 Business Model Innovation Celebration Event!

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

Today, we celebrated the achievements of the Academic Health Science Network NENC team in achieving their Level 6 awards in Business Model Innovation through Yohlar.

The team have worked hard over the past few months, first through interactive workshops to help them understand the principles of business model innovation and how it can apply to the health and life sciences sector.

Over the course of six workshops, the group were split into teams to work on projects that were relevant and meaningful to them, developing them from problem, through to idea, validated solution and pitching.

The workshops helped instil the Yohlar Power of Three (toolset, skillset and mindset) through group and individual activities, culminating in a pitch day where teams presented their work to the whole group.

After that, the real work began! The team spent the first few months of this year completing their coursework projects and recording their innovation pitches – all in between their day-to-day jobs leading innovation in the NHS and the Health and Life Sciences sector.

Each person worked on a project that was relevant to their own jobs, thinking through the opportunities available to them to create organisational transformation, even as they worked on their personal growth and achievements.

After months of hard work, the team submitted their projects and everyone passed, so today we got to celebrate their achievements!

We would like to say a huge congratulations to the Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria team who achieved their Level 6 Qualifications in Business Model Innovation:

  • Nicola Hutchinson

  • Jody Nichols

  • Rachel Morris

  • Kirstie Taylor

  • Russ Watkins

  • Dave Belshaw

  • Rachael Forbister

  • Sarah Rendall

  • Emma Reynolds

  • Christine Jordan

  • Ben Porter

  • Sean Gill

  • Stephen Lynn

  • Maria Roche

  • Peter Lillie

  • Emma Richardson

Take a look at how it unfolded...

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The whole workshop was excellent!
I was hugely impressed at what we were able to achieve as a team with such excellent facilitators

Jannette Archer, NHS

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